
利用外源多酚氧化酶酶促氧化制备茶黄素的研究 被引量:4

Study on the Preparation of Theaflavins by Foreign PPO
摘要 本实验选用不同的酶源,通过采用生物酶促氧化的方法制取含量较高的茶黄素粗品。研究表明,在供试的酶源中,对茶黄素的形成与积累的效果依次为:梨子〉茶叶〉苹果,利用梨子PPO制取茶黄素,其含量高达45.727%,制率也高达41.11%。而在供试的茶鲜叶中,苹云较好,槠叶齐次之,在以苹云冷冻叶为酶源制取的茶黄素含量达33.737%,制率达42.22%。 Selecting different enzyme sources, the higher content of theaflavins semifinished product can be gained by using enzymatic oxidation. The selection of enzyme source of foreign PPO indicated that there is following order based on the effect of formation and accumulation of TFs:pear 〉 fresh tea leaf 〉 apple. The content of TFs is45.727% by using PPO from pear,and the yield rate of TFs is 41.11%. In the enzyme from tea leaf,Ping Yun is better than Zhu Yeqi. The content of TFs is 33. 737% by using PPO from Ping Yun tea frozen,and the yield rate of TFs is 42.22%.
出处 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 2007年第B08期299-302,317,共5页 Natural Product Research and Development
基金 国家科技部“十五”科技攻关项目(2004BA542C) 湖南省科技厅重点项目(03JZY3016)
关键词 儿茶素 苹果 梨子 多酚氧化酶 theaflavins eateehin apple pear PPO
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