
组织中层管理者绩效结构的探索性与验证性因素分析 被引量:12

The Exploring and Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the Middle Managers' Job Performance Structure
摘要 本研究以各类组织中层管理者为对象,通过编制工作绩效评定问卷,运用探索性和验证性因素分析方法对组织中层管理者的工作绩效结构进行了探讨。结果表明,组织中层管理者的工作绩效结构由五个维度构成:人际沟通、行事风格、领导作为、任务执行、敬业尽责。五维度结构模型与西方关于工作绩效的"任务——周边绩效"模型存在明显差异。五维度结构能较好地反映中层管理者工作绩效的特殊性。 This research takes each kind of the middle managers as an object. Through the establishment of job performance' evaluation questionnaire, it carries on the discussion about the middle managers' job performance structure by using exploring and confirmatory factor analysis methods. The results indicate that the middle managers' job performance structure constitutes by five dimensions, it includes the interpersonal communication, the conduct style, the leader' s achievement, the execution of the duty and the fulfillment of the professional responsibility. The five-dimension structure model here was significantly different from the Western "task context performance" model, and the findings of the research also reflect that the cultural elements influence the administrative actions in certain degrees.
作者 陈亮 段兴民
出处 《预测》 CSSCI 2008年第1期60-66,共7页 Forecasting
关键词 组织中层管理者 绩效结构 探索性因素分析 验证性因素分析 the middle managers job performance structure exploring factor analysis confirmatory factor analysis
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