
立面开大洞复杂高层结构的整体抗震性能评价 被引量:4

Seismic performance evaluation of a complex high-rise building with large openings in the elevation
摘要 本文针对某平面不规则、立面开大洞、带高位转换层的超限复杂高层结构,首先建立了整体模型结构的非线性计算模型,根据振动台试验结果选择了材料非线性参数,进行了弹塑性时程分析,并对模型结构及参数进行了验证。用验证过的模型和参数对原型结构进行了弹塑性时程分析,并对该结构作出整体抗震性能评价。通过本文分析表明,按照试验微粒混凝土材性试验数据,考虑附加质量建立的计算模型,能较好地捕捉到整体结构初始时的频率、振型等动力特性;选择现有的软件确定构件的本构关系,将其输入通用程序进行弹塑性时程分析,能够获得结构的非线性动力反应;通过模型乃至原型结构的弹塑性时程分析,可以对该立面开大洞复杂结构整体抗震性能作出合理评价。 In this paper, elasto-plastic time-history analysis of a complex high-rise building model with irregularity in the plan and large openings in the elevation was first carried out and compared with the results of the shaking table model test. The analytical nonlinear parameters of the model structure were thus validated. Elasto-plastic timehistory analysis of the prototype structure was accomplished using the validated parameters and model. Then the seismic performance of the complex building was evaluated. It was concluded that from the analytical model the accurate dynamic property of the complex structure with large openings in the elevation could be known. The nonlinear structural responses were accurately interpreted by the calculation of member skeleton curve in the specified software in conjunction with the finite element program. The structural seismic performance could be rationally evaluated on the basis of the analytical results of the model and prototype structures.
作者 周颖 吕西林
出处 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期56-63,共8页 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics
基金 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(50621062) 国家自然科学基金项目(50708071) 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划资助项目 上海市教育发展基金会晨光计划项目(2007CG27)
关键词 复杂高层 模型结构 原型结构 振动台试验 弹塑性时程分析 抗震性能 complex high-rise building model structure prototype structure shaking table test elasto-plastic time-history analysis seismic performance
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