Breast cancer is the most common cancer seen in women, and its metaslasis is the leading cause of death in breast caneer patients. Breast eaneer metastasis model is an important tool to identify hreast cancer metastasis-related genes, to investigate molecular mechanisms of metastasis and to test therapeutic efficaey of anti-metastasis medicine. Breast cancer metastasis models include spontaneously metastasis model, induced metastasis model, transgenic metastasis model and transplantable metastasis model. Transplantable metastasis model is widely used hecause of its advantages such as rapid time eonrse for model maturity and consistent hiology of metastasis. Transplantable metastasis models of breast cancer include experimental metastasis model and spontaneous metastasis model according to different ways in which tumor cells are transplanted to the recipient animals. Experimental metastasis is formed by retention and proliferation of tumor cells which are injected directly into vascular system. This model can develop metastasis with high ineidence in a short experimental period, but it bypasses the process of carcinogenesis in situ and invasion process of tumr cells from prinmary site to vascular system. Spontaneons metastasis model is built by inoculating tumor cells or tissues into subeutaneous, muscular, and mammary fat pad. which results in the formation of a local tumor that will eventually give rise to metastases at distant organs. This model being an important tool for research of the metastatic mechanism of breast cancer, involves the entire process of metastasis of tumor cells from primary site to distant organs. Significant progress has been made in detecting metastasis with the development of in vivo imaging, by which not only micrometastasis can be detected early, but also the metastatic status in recipient animal can be observed dynamically. We review the methods of establishing ransplantable breast cancer metastasis models, their elassification, and application in the research of molecular mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis and in the experimenl on anti-metaslasis therapy.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Breast cancer
Metastasis: Transplantable animal model