目的 了解广州市居民吸烟行为及其影响因素,为开展有效的控烟工作提供依据。方法 2004年4—8月,采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法 ,对抽中的家庭由经过培训的调查员入户进行问卷调查。结果 该市27718名15岁及以上常住居民完成调查,得到有效问卷25684份。居民吸烟率为22.7%,男性吸烟率为46.2%,女性吸烟率为2.0%;现在吸烟率为19.9%,男性现在吸烟率为40.5%,女性现在吸烟率为1.6%。吸烟者开始吸烟年龄中位数为20岁,现在吸烟者日均吸烟中位数为14.3支。戒烟率为13.1%,复吸率为9.4%。Logistic逐步回归分析显示,性别(OR=0.022,95%CI:0.019~0.026)、文化程度(OR=0.697,95%CI:0.659~0.737)、家庭人均年收入(OR=0.975,95%CI:0.955~0.995)和饮酒(OR=2.687,95%CI:2.467~2.927)是吸烟的影响因素,在以在校学生或未婚状况为对照时,职业和婚姻状况亦是吸烟的影响因素。结论 广州市居民吸烟率仍处于相对较高的水平,吸烟主要在男性中流行,控烟工作仍需加强。
Objective To understand the cigarette consumption of Guangzhou residents and its influencing factors. Method The stratified random sampling was adopted and the selected families were visited by trained investigators with questionnaire from April to August in 2004. Results 27718 residents over 15 years old were investigated, The smoking rate was 22.7%, and 46.2% for male and 2,0% for female. The currently smoking rate was 19.9% (male 40.5% and female 1.6%). The currently smokers lighted up their first cigarette when they were 20 years old in median and their consumption were averagely 14.3 sticks everyday. 13.1% smokers tried to quit smoking. 9.4% people who once gave up cigarette picked it up again. The Logistic Stepwise Regression analysis showed sex (OR=0.022, 95%CI: 0.019-0.026), education (OR=0.697, 95%CI: 0.659-0.737), family income(OR=0.975, 95%CI: 0.955-0.995)and alcohol drinking(OR= 2.687, 95%CI: 2.467-2.927)were found to be the influencing factors for individual smoking. Conclusion The resident smoking rate was lower in Guangzhou than that in Guangdong province or in China but it was still very higher. The most smokers were male and little of them quitted smoking. The tobacco control should be enhanced.
Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
Cigarette consumption
Quit smoking
Influencing factors