
基于频域编码技术的冲激噪声抑制方法 被引量:1

Impulsive Noise Suppression Based on Spectrum Coding Technique
摘要 冲激噪声干扰是一种突发性的噪声干扰,在其持续时间内强度远大于高斯白噪声,对通信系统的影响非常大。本文提出一种新的基于频域编码技术的冲激噪声抑制方法,通过采用频率特性为伪随机码的滤波器对输入信号的频谱进行随机编码来降低冲激噪声的峰值功率,使冲激噪声转化为近似高斯白噪声。本文从冲激噪声的物理模型出发,分析了频域编码信号的统计特性,论证了频域编码技术抑制冲激噪声的原理。仿真结果表明频域编码技术能简单有效地抑制冲激噪声,抑制效果随着编码长度的增加变佳。 Impulsive noise interference is one kind of burst noises. It does great harm to communication systems for its intensity is far stronger than Gaussian whitenoise in its duration. A novel algorithm based on spectrum coding technique is proposed for impulsive noise suppression. The algorithm uses spectrum coding filter whose frequency characteristics is pseudorandom sequence to encode the spectrum of input signal. The outcome is that the peak power of impulsive noise is reduced and the noise is transferred into near Gaussian white noise. In this paper the algorithm' s principle of suppressing impulsive noise is demonstrated by analyzing the statistical characteristics of spectrum coding signals under the impulsive noise physical model. It is shown by computer simulation that the proposed algorithm can effectively and flexibly suppress the impulsive noise. And the suppression performance grows better with the code' s length increases.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期108-111,共4页 Journal of Signal Processing
关键词 冲激噪声 峰值功率 频域编码 Impulsive noise Peak power Spectrum coding
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