
马克思对物质本体论的扬弃 被引量:40

Marx's Sublimation of the Ontology of Matter
摘要 Under the influence of traditional Western philosophy,orthodox interpreters distort Marx’s philosophy as the ontology of substance for a long time,in order to cover the essence of Marx’s philosophy,and to cancel the fundamental difference between Marx’s philosophy and the traditional philosophy.This paper points out that Marx’s philosophy isn’t the ontology of substance;On the contrary,through the sublimation of the ontology of substance,Marx puts forward his own ontology,i.e.,the ontology of praxis-relations of social production by which Marx combines the field of phenomenon with of essence to express the whole content and essence of his philosophy. Under the influence of traditional Western philosophy,orthodox interpreters distort Marx's philosophy as the ontology of substance for a long time,in order to cover the essence of Marx's philosophy,and to cancel the fundamental difference between Marx's philosophy and the traditional philosophy.This paper points out that Marx's philosophy isn't the ontology of substance;On the contrary,through the sublimation of the ontology of substance,Marx puts forward his own ontology,i.e.,the ontology of praxis-relations of social production by which Marx combines the field of phenomenon with of essence to express the whole content and essence of his philosophy.
作者 俞吾金
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期3-11,共9页 Philosophical Research
基金 2004年度教育部攻关课题"国外马克思主义的现状 发展趋势和基本理论"(编号04JZD002) 2003年度教育部攻关课题"马克思主义基础理论研究中的若干问题"(编号03JZD002) 2002年度教育部重大项目"西方马克思主义的意识形态理论及其最新发展趋势研究"(编号02JAZJD720005) 2004年度国家社会科学基金重大委托课题"高校加强马克思主义意识形态工作和大学生思想教育工作研究"(编号04&ZD006) 复旦大学国外马克思主义与国外思潮创新研究基地2005年度研究项目"后现代主义与马克思主义"(编号05FCZD008)的资助
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