
贸易地图生成软件并行处理方案的研究与实现 被引量:1

Research and Implementation of Trade Map Creation Software with Parallel Processing Solution
摘要 本文通过分析贸易地图生成软件的主要特征,找出软件运行的性能瓶颈,在此基础上制定了适合该系统的基于参数扫描分析的并行处理方案,并且在集群运行平台上实现了这一并行处理方案。系统运行结果证实,该方案缩短了生成贸易地图的时间,改善了系统的整体性能。 By way of analyzing the key character of the Trade Map Creating Software in this paper, a series of perfotto-ance bottlenecks of it are located and studied when running, and put the parallel processing solution based on parametric sweep which is fittest for the system into practice on the cluster. It has been concluded that the proper solution can make the time of creating Trade Map shorter and the performance of the system better.
作者 邵飞 邸瑞华
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期267-270,共4页 Computer Science
基金 北京市科委项目:中国贸易业绩评价体系的研究与建立(课题编号:Z0004008040211)
关键词 并行处理 数扫描分析 贸易地图 消息传递接口 Parallel processing, Parametric sweep, Trade map, MPI
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