
论大学本科培养人才的模式 被引量:24

On the Qualified Personnnel Cultivation Mode of Undergraduate Course
摘要 大学本科教育是高等教育制度的主要组成部分,是高等教育的"母机",具有承上启下的作用,它既肩负着为社会输送合格的受过高等教育普通型的人才,又要为培养专门人才的研究生教育提供高质量的"原材料"。自大学诞生以来,无论是中国或是外国的大学,不管是自觉或不自觉,其培养人才无不遵循着某种模式。国际上关于培养人才的模式逐渐演变成两种有代表性的模式,即通才教育和专才教育。对于这两种模式,在我国已经争论了半个多世纪。本文的目的是想对这场争论的历史、现状以及未来的趋向发表一点看法。 The undergraduate course education is the main component of the higher education system. As the "machine tool", it has the function of linking the preceding and the following, bearing the task of infusing qualified generalists with higher education background to the society and providing qualified "raw materials" for postgraduate education on fostering specialists. The qualified personnel cultivation is always following a certain mode consciously and unconsciously in all the universities throughout the world. Since the emergence of university, the mode of qualified personnel cultivation in the world has gradually evolved into two representative modes, generalist education and specialist education. On these two modes, there has been a debate in China for more than half a century. This paper aims to deliver some viewpoints on the history and the present situation of the debate as well as its future trend.
作者 刘道玉
机构地区 武汉大学
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 大学 本科教育 模式 培养目标 university undergraduate course cultivating mode training goal
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