
粉被虫草无性型单孢子株间和单孢子株内的营养亲和性 被引量:19

摘要 在含5%氨酸钾的KMM和KPS培养基上,粉被虫草无性型以3种途径产生不利用硝酸盐的突变株(nit突变株)。(1)由菌落基质菌丝形成的快速生长气生菌丝角变;(2)菌落表面快速生长的气生菌丝;(3)菌落基质菌丝缓慢生长形成的基质菌丝角变。来自18个单孢子株的94个nit突变株中,64.8%的突变株是稳定的。配对试验结果表明:在全部19个配对中,单孢子株内配对率为57.9%,单孢子株间配对率为42.1%。在全部nit突变株中,Cp-14c3突变株与其它突变株间的配对率最高(18.2%)。单孢子株间配对率高的孢子株是Cp-14Cp-7,Cp-5和Cp-6,将来自Cp-14同一单孢子株的Cpe-14C3分别与Cp-14cl和Cp-14c4nit突变株配对后发现,它们形成的浓密生长配接线的颜色是不相同的,前者橙色,后者白色。统计结果发现,所试全部的单泡子株可分成11个营养亲和群(VCGs),那些含有易与其它菌株配对的nit突变株的单孢子株,如Cp-1,Cg-4,Cp-5,Cp-6,Cp-7,Cp-13,和Cp-14等皆在同一营养亲和群内。用Hochest33258荧光染色观察发现,野生型菌株的菌丝和分生孢子单核,nit突变株的少量分生孢子中可见双核,互补配对形成的浓密菌丝丛中的分生孢子则常见双核。 Twenty-two single spore strains of Mariannaea pruinosa Liang, the anamorph of Cordyceps pruinosa Petch, were isolated by ndcroscope from a wile-type strain. Two chloatroontaining media, KMM and KPS, were used for inducing nihate nonuhlizing mubots (nit nutants ). on MM medium contaiinng 5% KCO,, submerges hypha growth was then, slow and no aerial hyPhae emerged 3O days after inoculation.On PDA contalning 5% KClO3, dense aerial hypha growth was fast bu no sectors aPPeared from the colony. By transfering some Presumed nit mutants onto MM and KMM, it was discovered that nit mutahon of this fungus had three Phenotypes:1. fast-growing aerial hypha sectors deriving from submerged hyphae of a colony.2. fast-growing aerial hyphae on sudrie of a colony.3. slow-growing submrged hypha sectors arising from their own submrged hyphae.Sixty-one of 94 nit mutants derived from 18 single spore strains were stable nit nutaflts. The remainder were either restoration mutants ,impure mutants (isolares mixed with prototrophic hyphae) or resegregation mutnats. Results of pairing test showed that among all of 19 complementary pairs, pairings withen single spore sthens were up to 57.9% (11 / 19 pairs), but pairings between single spore strains were 42.1%. In all nit mutants, the mating percentage with the others were very different- Cp-14C3 was the highest (up to 18.2%) among them. Based on pairing frequencies in all complementary Pairs, single spore strain CP-14C3 (nit-mutants ) was encountered 8 hmes (24.2%),followed by strain Cp-7 (4 nit-mutants, 24.2%) and strain Cp-6 (3 mutants, 18.2%).It was very interehng that within the single spore strain Cp-14, the colour of the mating line of dense hyphal growth between nit mutant Cp-14C3 ×CP-14C2 and Cp-14C3 × CP-14C4 were different. The former was pale red-yellow, but the later was white. Th results menhoned above perhaps suggested that colony colour in strain was controlled by two complementary cytoplasm. Statishcal data showed that all single spore strains that easily mated the others, such as Cp-lCl, 4Cl, 5Cl, 6Cl, 7Cl, 3Cl and l4Cl, faled into the same vegetative compahbility group (vcg). The rest of single spore strains that did not easily mate each other could be divided into 10 different VCGs. Fluorescent ndcroscopy revealed that the wild-type strain had uninucleate conidia and hyphae, but some binucleate conidia might exist in nit mutants. In particular many binucleato conidia were commonly examined in the mating line of dense hyphal growth. Somehmes, a whole conidial chain was comprised of binucleate conidia.
出处 《菌物系统》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期216-223,共8页 Mycosystema
基金 贵州省科委资助 贵州省教委和英国文化委员会共同资助
关键词 真菌 虫草属 粉被虫草 单孢子株 营养亲和性 Cordyceps pruinosa, Mariannaea pruinosa, Sector, Nitrate non-utilizing mutan (nit mutant), Vegetative compatibility group
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