采用尿素燃烧法制备了SrAl4O7∶Eu3+荧光粉体,研究了Eu3+在SrAl4O7基质中的发光性能.结果表明,Eu3+在SrAl4O7基质中的最佳激发波长为395 nm,最强荧光波长为612.8 nm;在395 nm光激发下得到3条Eu3+的特征发射谱带,分别是577.6 nm(5D0-7F0)、588.4 nm(5D0-7F1)和612.8 nm(5D0-7F2);当尿素与金属离子摩尔比为2.75∶1,Eu的掺入量为5%时,粉体SrAl4O7∶Eu3+的发光强度最大.X射线衍射结果表明,样品经800℃退火2 h后形成良好的晶体,且尿素量的增加对样品结晶度产生了影响.
SrAl4O7 : Eu^3+ fluroscence powder was prepared by carbamide combustion method. Luminescence properties of Eu^3+ in SrAl4O7 matrix were characterized. The best wavelength of Eu^3+ in SrA14 07 matrix is at 395 nm and the strongest fluorescent wavelength is at 612.8 nm. In emission spectrum the peaks at 577.6,588.4,612.8 nm are corresponding to the transitions of rare earth ion Eu. When the ratio of the carbamide and metal ion (C/M) is 2.75 : 1 and the incorporated quantity of Eu is 5%,the Luminescence intensity of SRAl4O7 : Eu^3+ particle is the strongest in this work. The results of XRD indicate that the sample annealed at 800 after 2 h is better crystallized,and the increasing of the carbamide amount has effects on the formation of crystal.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)