
微波等离子体化学气相沉积金刚石膜装置的研究进展 被引量:9

摘要 综述了各种微波等离子体化学气相沉积(MPCVD)金刚石膜装置的结构及工作原理,并对它们各自的优缺点做了比较分析;基于MPCVD金刚石膜装置的发展现状,构想设计了一种新型高效的大功率大面积快速沉积CVD金刚石膜装置,并对其可行性做了初步分析研究。 An overview on structure and work principium of various apparatus to grow microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition diamond films and also compare and analyze their virtue and flaw separately;Based on these actuality, it design a new apparatus to rapidly grow chemical vapor deposition diamond fdms under large power and area,and approximately analyze the feasibility of this apparatus.
出处 《真空与低温》 2008年第1期1-5,共5页 Vacuum and Cryogenics
基金 国家计委新材料领域重大专项项目([2001]475号)资助
关键词 金刚石膜 微波 化学气相沉积 装置 diamond films microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition apparatus
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