
利用ENFA生态位模型分析玉带凤蝶和箭环蝶异地放飞的适生性 被引量:13

Habitat suitability analysis in live releasing of two butterflies Papilio polytes Linnaeus and Stichophthalma howqua (Westwood) in China using ENFA
摘要 活体蝴蝶异地放飞存在潜在的入侵风险。本文采用生态位因素分析(ENFA)模型分析包括气候、地形、生境结构、植被类型、人类活动在内的影响玉带凤蝶Papilio polytes Linnaeus和箭环蝶Stichophthalma howqua(Westwood)两种放飞蝴蝶分布的生态地理变量,模拟其在中国的适宜生境,评估其入侵风险。对现有分布记录的分析表明:影响这两种蝴蝶分布的主要环境变量与其生态学特性相一致,且影响其扩散范围的主要因素为年总积温和冬季低温等;同时,人类活动的干扰对其分布影响很大。根据适生性图推测,这两种蝴蝶的适宜生境大部分重叠,主要集中在中国大陆中部及东南部,其扩散趋势由东南向西北发展。为防止活体蝴蝶放飞带来的潜在入侵风险,根据不同适生等级提出:HSI≥50的地方,不能开展室外放飞;5≤HSI<50的地方,可采取限制性室外放飞;HSI<5的地方,可进行自由室外放飞。 Live butterflies releasing in non-native range may bring about invasive risk.Based on the Ecological Niche Factor Analysis(ENFA),we modeled the potential distribution of Papilio polytes Linnaeus and Stichophthalma howqua(Westwood)in China and studied the ecogeographical determinants underlying their spatial response,including climate,topography,vegetation,habitat structure and human impact.The results indicate that the main environments which limited the distribution of the two butterflies are corresponding with their ecosystem characteristics mutually,and the factors that influenced the range niche of the two butterflies are annual accumulated temperature and low winter temperature.Human disturbance plays an important role in the distributing range of the species.According to the habitat suitability map,the suitable areas of the two butterflies are overlapped,which are mainly concentrated in the central part and the southeast of China's Mainland with the spreading tendency from southeast to northwest.Based on habitat suitability index,we proposed feasible strategies to prevent from invasive risk:when HSI≥50,the two butterflies should not be released outdoors;if 5≤HSI〈50,limited outdoors releasing of the two butterflies could be carried out;and if HSI〈5,live butterflies of the two species could be released in the open air and introduced into new territories.
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期290-297,共8页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30570205) 国家科技基础条件平台建设子项目(2005DKA21105) 陕西省攻关项目(2007K01-08)
关键词 玉带凤蝶 箭环蝶 异地放飞 生态地理变量 生境适宜性 生态位因素分析 Papilio polytes Stichophthalma howqua releasing in non-native range ecogeographical variables(EGVs) habitat suitability Ecological Niche Factor Analysis(ENFA)
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