

A Study of Aesthetic Comprehension of Music
摘要 音乐形象是一种音乐意境,它由音响的流动造成,即是音响又不是音响,来自音响又超越音响。从四个方面对音乐审美理解力的特点进行了归纳和探讨,审美理解力是一种感性关照力;审美理解力是一种情感的理解;审美理解力渗透想象力;审美理解力具有多义性。只要通过具体分析和思考,定能够更好把握审美理解力的内涵。 A musical image is a kind of artistic conception of music, which is created by the flow of sound. There is more in music than sound, and music comes from sound but presents itself beyond sound. This paper is intended to discuss the eharaeteristies of aesthetic comprehension of music in four aspects: a) the aesthetic comprehension of music is a kind of sense perception; b) the aesthetic comprehension is a kind of sentimental undemanding; c) the aesthetic comprehension is soaked with imagination; and d) the aesthetic comprehension is ambiguous. With the thorough analysis, a better understanding of the essence of aesthetic comprehension of music can be acquired.
作者 肖彦之
出处 《茂名学院学报》 2008年第2期84-86,共3页 Journal of Maoming College
关键词 审美理解力 情感 感性关照 想象力 多义性 aesthetic comprehension sentiment sense perception imagination ambiguity
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