
严格Janbu法不收敛原因及其改进的探讨 被引量:7

Discussion on cause of non-convergence in rigorous Janbu method and its modification
摘要 对严格Janbu法公式重新进行了推导,在深入分析的基础上对其求解流程进行改进,变求导为积分,避开了求导误差。通过对算例的分析,指出严格Janbu法不收敛的根本原因是其推力线高度的假设不合理。 On the basis of the fundamental principle of rigorous Janbu method,formulas are re-derived.Through modifying the flow of the method, the differential operation can be transformed to integral operation so as to avoid the derivative's error. The example analysis indicates that the inherent cause of non-convergence is the assumption of rigorous Janbu method; the assumption about the line of thrust is unreasonable.
作者 李志刚 曹磊
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期1053-1056,共4页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
关键词 严格Janbu法 求导误差 推力线 rigorous Janbu method derivative's error line of thrust
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