
维吾尔传统玫瑰花果酱中总黄酮、总生物碱及营养素含量的测定 被引量:10

Determination of Total Flavonoid,Alkaloid and Nutrition in the Uyghur Traditional Food-rose Jam
摘要 采用紫外分光光度法,测定玫瑰花果酱中V_A、V_C、总黄酮、总生物碱、胆固醇的含量.采用索氏抽提法提取并测定玫瑰花果酱中的脂肪含量;用原子吸收分光光度法测定玫瑰花果酱中钾、钠、镁、锌、钙、铁、铜、锰、镍等9种微量元素的含量。通过测定发现,每100 g玫瑰花果酱中V_A和V_C分别为3.62 mg和10.11mg,V_C的含量比V_A的含量高3倍;总黄酮含量为0.44 g;总生物碱含量为0.28 g;胆固醇含量为10.06μg;总糖和膳食纤维的含量分别为5.72g和4.44g;微量元素K和Na含量较高。 The nutritional contents of rose jam (Rosa rugosa Thunb. ) including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, total flavonoid, total alkaloid, cholesterin, microelements, total fat and total sugar were determined. UV spectra was applied to determine the VA, Vc, flavonoid, alkaloid and cholesterin. Sohlets method was used to determine total fat. AAS was applied to determine the contents of constant elements K, Na and of the trace elements Zn, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni, Mg in rose jam. The result indicated that there are 3.62mg of VA and 10. llmg of Vc in every 100g rose jam. Amount of the total flavonoids, alkaloids and cholesterin respectively are 0.44g, 0. 28g and 10. 06μg. The Amount of total sugar and meal cellulose respectively are 5.72g and 4.44g. It has higher amount of K and Na elements. This article provided basic data for the further research and exploitation of the Uyghur Traditional health protection medicinal materials.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期153-156,共4页 Food and Fermentation Industries
关键词 玫瑰花果酱 总黄酮 总生物碱 营养素 测定 rose jam, total flavonoid,total alkaloid, nutritional, determination
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