Objective:To investigate and improve the understanding of spiral CT characteristics of urachal carcinoma. Methods:The CT findings of 7 cases with pathology confirmed urachal carcinoma were reviewed retrospectively,including the location, shape, size and the enhanced pattern of the tumor mass after contrast administration. Results: Of these 7 cases, the pathology diagnosis was urachal adenocarcinoma or mucinous carcinomas. On CT scans, the tumor masses varied in size, located at the junction of urinary bladder and urachus,appeared as homogeneous soft tissue density and irregular in shape. The growth pattern of tumors were intra-extra-cavitary (5 cases), intra-cavitary and extra-cavitary for one case each. The adjacent urinary bladder wall was thickened in 6 cases and some punctuate calcifications were seen within the tumor in 1 case. Five lesions showed heterogeneous enhancement and 2 lesions showed homogenous enhancement after contrast administration,all showed marked enhancement mainly on the portal venous phase. Conelusion:Urachal carcinoma showed unique location as well as characteristic CT manifestations. Accurate diagnosis and localization could be obtained by CT examination before surgery.
Radiologic Practice