
2005年上海市新生儿听力筛查结果的临床分析 被引量:46

Clinical Analysis of the 2005 UNHS Results Obtained in Shanghai
摘要 目的分析上海市新生儿听力筛查的基本特征及先天性聋的临床特点。方法回顾性分析2005年上海市新生儿听力筛查的临床资料,统计流行病学特征,重点分析确诊为先天性聋儿童的临床特点。结果2005年上海市活产新生儿数123901,接受新生儿听力筛查人数121400,初筛率97.98%(121400/123901);初筛未通过14478例,阳性率11.93%(14478/121400),应复筛人数14478例,实际复筛10140例,复筛率约70.04%(10140/14478),复筛未通过1089例,复筛阳性率10.74%(1089/10140),转诊人数1077,占全部听力筛查儿的0.89%(1077/121400),确诊听力障碍人数358例,筛查假阳性率为0.59%,平均诊断年龄2.1月。其中暴露危险因素者为102名,男女比例200:158,城市和郊县分布比111:247,单耳聋为172人,双耳聋为186人,轻度聋221人,中度以上聋儿为137人。上海市2005年所有新生儿中先天性聋的发病率约为2.95‰(358/121400)。中度以上聋儿随访127人,接受干预91人,干预率71.6%。结论2005年上海市新生儿听力筛查结果达到或者接近推荐筛查标准,危险因素的暴露和遗传学因素在先天性聋的发生中占重要地位,筛查中应加强随访工作。 Objective To conduct a clinical analysis of the 2005 UNHS results obtained in shanghai. Methods The auditory and clinical data were retrospectively collected, including the number of infants with congenital hearing loss, mean age of diagnosis of hearing loss and morbidity of congenital hearing loss in Shanghai. Results In 2005, out of 123 901 newborns, 121 400 infants(97.98%)were screened in Shanghai as 1^st stage UNHS. 14 478 failed DPOAE tests and the referral rate was 11.93%. 10 140 infants (70. 04%)were screened in 2^nd stage UNHS. 1 089 failed DPOAE. 1 077 infants were referred for more testing. 358 infants were finally diagnosed with congenital hearing loss and the mean age of diagnosis of hearing loss was 2.1 months, the incidence of congenital hearing loss in Shanghai was 2.95‰. Conclusion The incidence of congenital hearing loss in Shanghai is similar to the results reported. UNHS in 2005 met the standard recommended in Shanghai. The high risk factors and genetic dysfunctions are indicators of the possible hearing loss for newborns. UNHS is a useful way of identifying hearing loss at an earlier stage of newborns.
出处 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 2008年第3期206-209,共4页 Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology
关键词 新生儿 听力筛查 流行病学 干预 Newborn Hearing screening Epidemic Intervene
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