
阜康阿魏种子打破休眠及其人工种植研究 被引量:5

A study on Breaking Dormancy of Fenula fukanensis Shen and Its Artificial Cultivation
摘要 用两种方法进行阜康阿魏(Ferula fulcanensis Shen)种子打破休眠的处理:即剥去阿魏种子外部的果皮,接种到不同GA3含量(0.2、0.5、1.0、2.0mg/L)的1/2MS培养基中,在15-20℃条件下无菌培养。种子发芽率在各浓度处理下均高于对照,而处理间则0.2-0.5mg/L有上升趋势,其中0.5mg/L下的发芽率显著高(70%)于对照(47%)。1-2mg/L则与对照没有显著差异。另一种将阿魏种子分别浸水处理5和20d,剥去果皮接种到不含赤霉素的1/2MS培养基中,相同的条件下培养。5d的种子进行发芽试验发芽率达77%,20d的85%以上。研究显示:阿魏种子用GA3和浸种处理均能提高其发芽率,其中浸种处理为最佳选择。将种子种植于大田里成功得到良好的幼苗。 The two methods were used to break dormancy of Fenula( Fenula fukanensis Shen)seed, namely, fruit peel was stripped from Fenula seed and was inoculated in medium of different GA3 content (0.2,0.5,1.0,2.0 mg/ L) which was gemrfreely cultivated under the condition of 15 - 20℃. The seed germination percentage was higher than the control with different treatment. By use of the treatment of 0.2 and 0.5 mg/L, the germination percentage was significantly higher(70% ) than the control(47% ) .Another treatment showed that Fenula seed was treated with water for 5 or 20 days,by which seed peel was stripped and was inoculated in 1/2 MS medium without GA3.The seed germination percentage in the test reached 77 % for 5 days, more than 85 % for 20 days. The results showed that the germination percentage of Fenula seed could be increased by use of GA3 and inflation method. Among the two methods the latter was the best one.
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2008年第3期494-497,共4页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 新疆农业大学校长基金
关键词 阜康阿魏种子 赤霉素(GA3) 流水清洗 发芽率(GP%) 人工种植 Fenula fukanensis Shen GA3 treatment wash by nmning water germination percentage ( GP% ) artificial cultivation
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