Objective To analyse clinical features, atlxiliary examination and mechanisms of lymphoma-associated peripheral neuropathy. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 13 cases with lymphoma-associated peripheral neuropathy, including 3 cases of T cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL-T), 9 cases of B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL-B), and one case of unknown. Secondary herpes zoster virus infection, drug-induced or other possible causes of peripheral neuropathy were excluded. The type and location of peripheral neuropathy, cytological study and immunohistochemistry of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), imaging, electrophysiology and sural nerve biopsy were evaluated. Results Peripheral neuropathy preceded the diagnosis of lymphoma in 10 cases. Peripheral neuropathy emerged as the first symptoms in 8 cases. Among all the cases, cranial nerves were involved in 11 cases. Lumbosacral nerve roots were involved in 8 cases. Auditory nerve and lumbosacral nerve roots were involved simultaneously in 6 cases. All of the cases performed lumbar puncture. CSF pressure was increased in 5 cases. Protein elevation was increased in all of the cases. The glucose level was decreased in 7 cases. White blood cell count was increased in 8 cases. CSF cytology studies showed atypical lymphocyte in 9 cases. Of the 5 cases performed immunohistochemical studies of the CSF lymphocytes, 3 showed monoclonal B-lymphocytes (CD19, CD20, CD79α), one showed the increased of CD20 positive lymphocyte. One showed CD4 positive lymphocytes were absolutely dominant with positive TCR, negative IgH, which was consistent with the pathologic results (NHL-T). Nine cases performed electromyography showed axonal damage and/or demyelination. Three cases performed sural nerve biopsy revealed axonal degeneration and/or demyelination without infiltration of lymphocyte. Of the 5 cases performed MRI of the brain, one showed thickening of bilateral auditory nerves with enhancement, one showed leptomeningeal enhancement. Of the 5 cases performed MRI of the lumbosacral region, 4 showed the enhancement of the nerve roots of cauda equina. Peripheral neuropathy of 9 cases were associated with lymphoma infiltrated nerve root of meninges. Lymphoma metastasis and compression of lymphadenectasis were diagnosed in one case. In 3 cases, there were no evidence of lymphomatous infiltration. We considered them paraneoplastic syndrome according to the clinical features and laboratory examination, Conclusion Peripheral nervous system abnormaiities can occur in lymphoma even before the diagnosis of lymphoma. The mechanisms include infiltration and paraneoplastic syndrome.
Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery