
基于机动动作库的实时轨迹生成与仿真研究 被引量:9

Research on Real-Time Trajectory Generation based on Tactical Maneuvers Data Base
摘要 论述了基于机动动作库的实时轨迹生成方法,根据环境和任务要求进行在线决策,选取机动动作库中合适的机动动作,最终实时生成无人机所需要的机动轨迹。仿真结果表明,这种方法具有实时性强、生成轨迹易于跟踪控制等优点。 Autonomous trajectory generation for UAVs is to decide vehicles motion and find a smooth trajectory in complex environments. A trajectory generation approach is proposed, which is based on tactical trajectory data base. Using this approach, according to environments and task requirements, chooses appropriate maneuver and generates the proper real-time trajectory autonomously. Simulation results show that the real-time of this approach is good, and the generated trajectory is easy to be followed.
出处 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期29-32,36,共5页 Flight Dynamics
关键词 实时轨迹生成 机动动作库 运动规划 real-time trajectory generation tactical maneuvers data base motion planning
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