
一种基于AABB包围盒法的改进算法 被引量:1

An Improved Algorithm Based on AABB Trees
摘要 介绍了实时碰撞检测技术的概念及现状,分析了存在的问题,提出了改进的AABB包围盒法,改进的AABB包围盒法进行实时干涉检验确保拆卸路径的有效性。试验证明,该算法比传统包围盒法包围物体更为紧密,可大大减少不必要的干涉检验,从而降低了系统开销,改进后的AABB包围盒算法比传统的包围盒算法检验速度快5%~20%。 This essay introduces the concept and the current situation of the real time collision detection technique, analyses its problems and puts forward the method of improving AABB box-based algorithm and also the validity of the improved AABB box-based algorithm on the real time intefferometric detection to ensure the disassembly process. It is proved that it is intenser than traditional axis alignedboundingboxes algorithm and helps to reduce the unneeded intefferometric detection, and to reduce the system overhead also,the improved AABB box-based algorithm is 5% -20% faster than the traditional one.
出处 《拖拉机与农用运输车》 北大核心 2008年第3期69-70,73,共3页 Tractor & Farm Transporter
关键词 碰撞 检测技术 改进 AABB包围盒法 Collision Detection technique Improve Axis aligned bounding boxes(AABB).
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