
64排CT全脑灌注成像在急性脑梗死早期诊断价值的初步探讨 被引量:2

Application of 64 multi -slice spiral CT cerebral perfusion imaging in patients with hyperacute stroke
摘要 目的探讨64排cT全脑灌注成像(CTP)在急性期脑梗死早期诊断中的应用价值。方法使用Philips公司生产的Brilliance64排螺旋CT机对21例发病6h或12h内的急性期脑梗死患者进行CT平扫及CTP检查,分析比较平扫及灌注成像表现,测量病变区与对侧相应区域的脑灌注参数值。结果21例患者中,C平扫5例显示局部脑沟较对侧变窄、脑实质密度稍微降低等可疑早期脑梗死征象,4例有陈旧腔隙性脑梗死,11例未发现异常征象。CTP检查21例患者均发现脑灌注异常,其中5例患者发现2处异常,4例发现3处异常。CTP表现为脑血流量及脑血容量减低,达峰时间延迟。结论CTP能够早期、快速显示脑缺血的部位及程度,预测缺血半暗带;对急性脑梗死的早期诊断和指导治疗有重要的临床价值。 Objective To evaluate the application of 64 multi -slice spiral CT cerebral perfusion imaging (CTP) in patients with hyperacute stroke. Methods Conventional cerebral plain CT and CTP were performed in 21 patients with hyperacute ischemic stroke within 6 - 12 hours of onset of symptom. All cases were reexamined by cerebral plain CT after 2 to 12 days. Dynamic CTP images were processed with the"CT Perfusion"software package on workstation. Quantitative analysis of cerebral perfusion parmneters were performed on CTP im- ages. Results Conventional plain CT of the 21 cases found no abnormality in 11 cases and early infarction signs in 5 cases. However,abnormal perfusion changes were found in all 21cases,including decrease in cerebral blood flow(CBF) and cerebral blood volume(CBV) , delayed time to peal((TTP). There were significant differences of CBF, CBV and TTP between infarction side and contralateral side ( P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion CTP can early show the ischemic extent and penumbra in patients with hyperacute stroke.
出处 《中国实用医刊》 2008年第12期1-4,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
基金 2007年度广东省深圳市科技计划项目(医疗卫生类)立项课题(200703229)
关键词 脑梗死 灌注 X线计算机 体层摄影术 Brain infarction Perfusion X - ray computed Tomography
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