
引进秋播啤酒大麦不同播期、密度与产量的关系研究 被引量:19

Relations between sowing date,seeding density and grain yield of two introduced malting barley varieties
摘要 为给北方地区啤酒大麦的引种及新品种选育提供依据,利用从法国引进的2个秋播啤酒大麦品种,研究其不同播期、密度与产量的关系及在保定地区适应性,以明确产量与播期、密度的关系,并筛选适宜该地区生态条件的优良大麦品种。结果表明:晚播可明显缩短品种生育期,易造成分蘖数、穗数和千粒重降低,以致品种产量水平下降;随播种密度增加,分蘖数、穗数增加,但单株分蘖数、单株穗数、穗粒数、千粒重减少。选择适宜的播期和密度对大麦品种获得高产至关重要。Vannesa品种在生育期及产量性状上均优于Sunrise品种,适合在该地区种植,且具有可直接利用于生产的可能性,其适宜播期在10月3号左右,密度100-150粒/m2。 The relations between sowing date, seeding density and grain yield of two malting barley varieties introduced from France were studied to screen out the cultivars that adapted to the ecological environment of Baoding, Hebei. The results showed that the growing duration of barley variety was shortened, and the total tiller number, spike number, 1 000-grain weight, grain yield were decreased with the postponed sowing time. As the seeding density increased, the total tiller number, spike number increased accordingly, while the tiller number per plant, spike number per plant, grain-per-spike, 1 000-grain weight decreased. Therefore, it is very important to identify the right sowing time and density. Vannesa had higher grain yield and more desirable traits, so it grow well in this area, and the proper sowing time was around October 3, with the seeding density of 100 150 grains/m^2.
出处 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期6-11,共6页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
基金 河北省科学技术研究与发展计划(03820180D) 河北省农业开发项目
关键词 啤酒大麦 播期 密度 产量 品种适应性 making barley sowing time seeding density grain yield variety actaptability
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