4 phases were divided for the period of 1990 -2007. For each phase, statistics of tea research papers was made for 5 fields of morphology and classification, breeding and cultivation, growth and development, molecular gene, and chemical compositions. Also provincial distribution of papers was given. The results show that the number of paper in 1996 - 1999 dropped compared with that in 1990 - 1995, increased in 2000 - 2003, and speeded up fast to the most in 2004 - 2007. The numbers of provincial tea papers are different. The foUowing provinces are ranked in the fore 6. Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hunan, Shandong and Guangdong. The paper numbers in the 5 fields in the 6 provinces decreased in 1996 ~ 1999. But latter in the fields of molecular gene and chemical compositions, the number of paper rapidly increased. Although the paper numbers in other fields increased, they were in a small extent. The research papers in the 5 fields have getting abundant with the development of science and technology. Paper is an important carrier reflects the level and progress of scientific research. The above indicates that the level and advance of Chinese tea research are steadily being enhanced, but distributed regionally differences. On the hot topics are focused molecular gene and chemical compositions of tea research.
Guizhou Science
research and development
analysis of paper