
承认与执行国际体育仲裁裁决相关法律问题研究 被引量:13

Study on Relevant Legal Issues of Recognition and Enforcement of International Sports Arbitral Awards
摘要 同国际商事仲裁裁决一样。国际体育仲裁裁决也可能需要它国法院承认与执行。《纽约公约》原则上可以适用于外国体育仲裁裁决的承认与执行,但由于当事人身份地位及争议性质等的特殊性,国际体育仲裁裁决的承认与执行又具有不同于承认与执行外国商事仲裁裁决的特点。在我国承认与执行外国体育仲裁裁决(包括北京奥运会仲裁裁决)尚面临诸如商事保留、体育管理和体育纪律处罚争议不可仲裁解决等法律障碍,须从立法上消除这些障碍。 Like international commercial arbitral awards, international sports arbitral awards may also need to be recognized and enforced by the courts of another country. The New York Convention can be applied in recognition and enforcement of foreign sports arbitral awards in principle, but it has different features from that of commercial arbitral awards to recognize and enforce international sports arbitral awards because of specialties of the status and positions of the parties involved, the nature of disputes and etc. It still encounters such legal obstacles as commercial reservation and non-arbitrablity of sports administrative and disciplinary disputes, which must be wiped out in legislation, to recognize foreign sports arbitral awards, including arbitral awards in Beijing Olympic Games, in China
作者 石现明
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期67-72,共6页 China Sport Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(05JA820022)
关键词 国际体育仲裁 承认 执行 法律 障碍 international sports arbitral awards recognition and enforcement legal issues legal obstacles
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