
多舰协同定位技术的算法 被引量:2

Algorithm of Multi-ship Cooperative Positioning Technique
摘要 多平台侦察信息联合定位具有一定的超视距作用,可以在敌雷达探测到我舰之前先发现敌舰,从而先敌攻击,争取主动,对联合作战具有重要的军事价值。讨论了最小二乘法和递推加权最小二乘法定位算法,根据定位平台数目对定位算法进行了研究。 Multi-platform reconnaissance information joint positioning possesses definite over-the-horizon function,which can detect enemy ships before their radar has detected our warship,thereby we can attack them to strive for initiative,and has the important military value for joint operations. This paper discusses the least squares method and the positioning algorithm of recursion weighting least squares method, researches the positioning algorithm according to the positioning platform number.
出处 《舰船电子对抗》 2008年第3期71-73,共3页 Shipboard Electronic Countermeasure
关键词 协同定位 最小二乘法 联合作战 cooperative positioning the least squares method joint operations
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