
《欧洲语言共同参考框架》新理念对汉语教学的启示与推动——处于抉择关头的汉语教学 被引量:62

The enlightenment and the impetus of the new approach of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language on the Chinese language teaching
摘要 《欧洲语言共同参考框架:学习、教学、评估》是欧洲理事会制定的关于语言教学、学习及评估的整体指导方针与行动纲领,是对几十年以来欧洲语言教学理论与实践的系统总结。新型的语言政策和标准体现了欧洲现代语言教学及学习的新理念,对“框架”进行探讨有助于把握21世纪语言教育的新方向。法国汉语教学发展迅猛,在“兼容”“框架”方面取得了一定的进展。面对各地建立语言政策及标准的教育新时代,世界汉语教学面临着重大的抉择和挑战。 The Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFRL) is developed through a process of several decades of scientific research and wide consultation, under the authority of the Council of Europe. It is the result of extensive research and ongoing work on communicative objectives, as exemplified by the popular Threshold level concept. This document provides a practical tool for setting clear standards to be attained at successive stages of learning and for evaluating outcomes in an internationally comparable manner. A European Union Council Resolution (November 2001) recommended the use of this Council of Europe instrument in setting up systems of validation of language competences. The influence of the CEFR in the fields of course design, textbook writing, language teaching, testing and training is wider and wider among the 47 member countries of the Council of Europe and the observer countries, as USA, Canada and Japan. The Chinese language teaching in France is growing fast, and some good results have been obtained in the field of compatibility between Chinese language and CEFRL. Facing the new epoch of education of promoting both language policy and language standards on the basis of the communicative approach, international Chinese language teaching cannot stay on the edge of the road and have to take up these new challenges.
作者 白乐桑 张丽
出处 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期58-73,共16页 Chinese Teaching in the World
关键词 欧洲语言共同参考框架 标准 评估 多元语言能力 汉语教学 CEFRL standard, evaluation, plurilingual competence, the Chinese language teaching
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