
影响杜泊绵羊超数排卵效果的因素分析 被引量:17

Factors Affecting Superovulation in Dorpor Sheep
摘要 对53只杜泊绵羊实施超排处理,系统地分析了供体羊年龄、胎次、重复超排、两次超排间隔时间、胚胎回收部位和季节对超数排卵效果的影响。结果表明:24月龄以上羊平均回收胚胎数(8.71)显著高于8~12月龄羊(7.18)。8~12月龄羊可用胚胎所占比例(95.29%)显著高于13~24月龄羊(75.96%);经产二胎羊平均回收胚胎数(8.71)显著高于初产羊(7.00),初产羊可用胚胎所占比例(96.14%)显著高于经产一胎羊(75.88%);第3次超排处理平均回收胚胎数(6.60)显著少于首次(8.71)和第2次处理(8.10),首次超排处理平均可用胚胎数(7.47)高于第2次(5.90)和第3次超排处理(5.00);2次超排间隔10个月可用胚胎所占比例(92.14%)显著高于间隔1个月(77.09%);从输卵管平均回收胚胎数(10.14)显著多于从子宫角平均回收胚胎数(8.22);秋季超排处理平均可用胚胎数和可用胚胎所占比例(7.53和91.67%)均显著高于冬季(5.97和74.90%)。 To screen out the effects of age, embryo development stage, parities, repeated superovulation, time between supeovulation, recovered position, and season on superovulation in dorpor sheep, 53 dorpor sheep were superovulated. The results demonstrated that the average recovered embryos of older 24 months sheep were significantly more than those of 8 - 12 months sheep ( 8.71 vs. 7. 18 ) ; and the vability rate of 8 - 12 months sheep were significantly more than that of 13 -24 months sheep(95.29% vs. 75.96% ). The average recovered embryos of later 2 parities were significantly more than those of first parity ( 8.71 vs. 7.00) ; and the viability rat of first parity was significantly more than that of later 1 parities(96. 14% vs. 75.88% ). The average recovered embryos of third superovulated sheep were significantly lower than those of first and second superovulated donors (6. 60 vs. 8.71 vs. 8. 10) ; and the average viable embryos of first superovulated sheep were significantly more than those of second and third superovulated donors(7.47 vs. 5.90 vs. 5.00). The viability rate of 10 months between superovulation was significantly higher than that of 1 moth between superovulation (92. 14% vs. 77.09% ). The average recovered embryos from oviduct were significantly more than those from uerus corner ( 10. 14 vs. 8.22). The average viable embryos and viability rate of sheep superovulated in autumn were significantly higher those of sheep superovulated in autumn winter(7. 53 vs 5.97,91.67% vs. 74. 90% ).
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期293-297,共5页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 山东省农业良种工程项目(LZ20043007) 山东省农业科学院青年科研基金项目(2007-Q-28) 农业部奶山羊良种繁育及产业化技术体系建设项目(nyhyzx07-037)
关键词 杜泊绵羊 超数排卵 胚胎 dorpor sheep superovulation embryo
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