
配500 MPa钢筋折线先张法预应力混凝土梁受力性能分析 被引量:2

The Reinforced Performance Analysis of Broken Line Pre-Tensioned Pre-Stressed Concrete Beams with 500 MPa Steel Bar
摘要 运用Matlab的电算程序,对配HRB500钢筋的折线先张法预应力混凝土梁进行了非线性全过程分析,并与郑州大学结构实验室的试验结果进行比较,考查了构件的破坏形态和破坏特征,分析了跨中挠度和弯矩随荷载的变化规律.数值分析和试验研究结果表明,以HRB500钢筋作非预应力筋的先张法折线形预应力混凝土梁,受力性能良好,可充分发挥HRB500钢筋的高强度,承载能力和短期挠度均可按现行规范公式进行计算.运用Matlab编写的程序进行非线性分析,其结果具有可靠性和适用性,为相应规范的编制和工程设计提供了参考. According to the calculation procedures of Matlab, this paper non-linearly analyzes the whole process of broken line pre-tensioned pre-stressed concrete beams with HRB500 steel bar, and compares it with the result in Structural Laboratory of Zhengzhou University, and then checks the midspan deflection and the disciplinarian of bending moment with the change of load. Numerical analysis and experimental study results showed that using HRB500 steel bar as non-pre-stressed bar broken line pre-tensioned concrete beams, the beams not only can give the good pressure behavior,but also fully shows the high strength of HRB500. The computation of the load capacity and shortdated deflectioncan be by the current criterion. Using matlab's procedures to the non-linear analysis, the result has high dependability and applicability,which gives the reference of writing criterion and project design.
作者 邵莲芬 李勇
机构地区 黄淮学院
出处 《河南科学》 2008年第7期805-809,共5页 Henan Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50578148)
关键词 HRB500钢筋 先张法 预应力混凝土梁 非线性 HRB500 steel bar pre-tensioned method pre-stressed concrete beams non-linear
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