
内镜超声检查的发展现状 被引量:2

Contemporary Development of Endoscopic Ultrasonography
摘要 内镜超声近年来获得迅猛发展,应用范围已覆盖全消化道和邻近器官。造影增强内镜超声、弹性成像诊断术以及计算机图形识别等多项无创诊断技术已应用于临床;内镜超声引导下细针抽吸活检、切割针活检和细胞刷检可借助细胞病理学对病变进行准确定性;借助细针注射途径则可对病变进行多种药物的局部注射或植入治疗。随着内镜超声设备和技术的不断进步,其应用前景将愈加广阔。 Endoscopic uhrasonography (EUS) has achieved striking development recently with its application covering the whole gastrointestinal tract as well as adjacent organs. Many non-invasive diagnostic techniques have been embarked upon clinical practices including contrast-enhanced EUS, EUS elastography and computer-assisted image analysis. Cytologic and histopathologic diagnosis can be achieved through EUS-guided fine needle aspiration, trucut biopsy or cytobrush. Meanwhile, interventional EUS such as the line needle injection and implantation are the new advances in technology. Hence, along with continuous improvement of the instrument and skills, the prospect of EUS application will even be beyond our expectation.
作者 诸琦 吴巍
出处 《胃肠病学》 2008年第6期321-323,共3页 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology
关键词 内镜超声 诊断 放射学 介入性 治疗 Endoscopic Ultrasonography Diagnosis Radiology, Interventional Therapy
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