
不同有机无机复混肥对土壤供氮和玉米生长的影响 被引量:33

Effect of Formation of Organic-Inorganic Mixed Fertilizers on Soil N Supply and Growth of Maize
摘要 通过田间小区试验,研究等氮量施用条件下菜粕、猪粪、中药渣和鸡粪分别与化肥混合制成的4种不同有机无机复混肥对土壤供氮特性和玉米生长的影响。结果表明,玉米当季生长期间,4种有机无机复混肥处理的土壤矿质氮含量显著高于化肥处理,其中以施用鸡粪和菜粕复混肥的当季土壤供氮能力较高。施用复混肥后玉米籽粒产量为6725~8960kg·hm-2,均高于施化肥处理,且除猪粪复混肥外,其他3种复混肥处理的玉米籽粒产量均比化肥处理增加20%以上,差异达到显著水平。施用复混肥后,氮肥利用率达24.2%~39.8%,均高于单施化肥。有机无机复混肥料,尤其是鸡粪复混肥能有效调控氮素养分释放,使土壤供氮特征与玉米的需氮规律相一致,从而显著提高产量。 A field experiment was carried out to study effects of four kinds of organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer [ i. e. canola cake compost (Ⅰ), swine manure compost (Ⅱ), Chinese medicinal herb residue compost (Ⅲ), and chicken manure compost (Ⅳ) , mixed with chemical fertilizer, separately, but equal in N rate] on soil nitrogen supply and growth of maize. Results show that during the growing season of the maize, the contents of soil mineral nitrogen with application of organic-inorganic mixed fertilizers were all significantly higher than that in CK (chemical fertilizer alone) , especially in Treatment Ⅰ and Treatment Ⅱ. The grain yield of maize in the four treatments ranged from 6 725 to 8 960 kg · hm^-2, all higher than CK, while the yields of Treatment Ⅰ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ are more than 20% higher than that of CK, the difference reached to significant level. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of the four treatments varied in the range of 24.2% - 39.8% , higher than that of CK. In conclusion, organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer, especially Treatment Ⅳ, could efficiently regulate release of N nutrient, keeping soil N supply in coincidence with N demand of maize, and thus significantly increased grain yield of the maize.
出处 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期33-38,共6页 Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
基金 科技部支撑计划(2006BAD10B09) 农业部948项目(2006-G62)
关键词 有机无机复混肥 矿质氮 玉米 氮素利用效率 organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer soil mineral nitrogen maize nitrogen use efficiency(NUE)
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