为了进一步提高我国短距离自行车项目的整体实力,本文以参加"2005-2007年全国自行车锦标赛"男子成年组的24名运动员为研究对象,初步对我国场地短距离自行车男子1 km运动员的全程竞速能力进行了划分和特征描述。而全程竞速能力的分段研究直接关系着自行车项目的选材、训练和竞赛。因此,对短距离场地自行车全程竞速能力分段的训练学研究,以及对各分段成绩与运动成绩关联度的研究,都有着重要的理论和实践意义。
For the sake of improving the whole power of the short distance 1Km bicycle item in our cotmtry, the text take 24 short-distance 1Km bicycle men athletes who take part in the bicycle tournament frcrn 2005 to 2007 as study objects, and plot out the Speed Competence, and study its character. The subsection study of the Speed Competence plays an important role in selection, training and competition of the short-distance bicycle item. Therefore, the study into the subsection of the Speed Competence of the short-distance Bicycle, and investigating the correlation between subsection and sport achievement, are important meaning to the theory and practice.
Journal of Beijing Sport University