Objective To study and make suggestion for the development of Chinese acupuncture - moxibustion. Methods Selecting samples from all around China, inputting data with Access software, and analyzing data with SPSS11.5. Results Averagely, there are 2.89 acupuncture - moxibusfion doctors in a general hospital, and 5.64 in a Chinese Traditional Medicine hospital. Difference between the amount of inflow and outflow in general hospitals is 0.17, and that in Chinese Traditional Medicine hospitals is 0.46. Independent acupuncture - moxibustion department have been established in 80 percent of the tertiary general hospitals and 61.1 percent of the secondary general hospitals respectively. And in Chinese Traditional Medicine hospitals, the amount of independent acupuncture - moxibustion department are 95.5 percent in the tertiary hospitals and 91.5 percent in the secondary hospitals respectively. In addition, the percentage of independent acupuncture-moxibustiou ward in the tertiary general hospitals, the secondary general hospitals, the tertiary Chinese Traditional Medicine hospitals and the secondary Chinese Traditional Medicine hospitals are 10.0, 5.6, 57.6 and 30.5 respectively. The main types of illness treated by acupuncture - moxibustion are locomotor system and nervous system. Conclusion The amount of outpatient visits and income of acupuncture - moxibustion department keep rising from 2003 to 2005. But it is still not optimistic for further developing. The influence factors should be policy, mechanism, administration and inner system.
Chinese Health Service Management
Acupuncture - Moxibustion Department
Current Situation.