
遗传算法在非线性电路分析中的应用 被引量:5

An Approach for a Group of Non linear Equation Based on Genetic Algorithms
摘要 本文提出了一种用遗传算法求解非线性电阻电路方程的方法,并通过实例进行了验证。实验证明这一方法可以有效地防止传统数值解法中的迭代振荡和发散问题,可广泛用于非线性电路的分析。 The genetic algoritms(GA) for a group of non-linear equation are proposed in this paper,This approach is proved by a group of practical circuit equation,The approach is successful.It can solve the vibration and diverge in the traditional numerial value′s way.The approach can be spread widely to other Nonlinear equations finding root.
出处 《洛阳工学院学报》 1997年第3期49-52,共4页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology
关键词 遗传算法 非线性电路 节点电压 Genetic algorithm Non-linear Circuit Node voltage
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