
脉冲直接力控制简易制导弹药命中精度研究 被引量:4

Research of Hit Accuracy Based on Pulse Direct Force Control of Simple Guidance Ammunition
摘要 研究了基于弹体捷联激光四象限探测器体制下,利用脉冲力进行质心控制的弹道修正技术。通过外弹道模型的建立和数值仿真,研究了弹丸落角、脉冲发动机作用位置偏离质心距离、脉冲发动机工作宽度和总冲散布等因素对于弹道修正精度的影响,对比得出了影响弹丸修正精度的主要因素,为工程实现提供理论支持。 The ballistic correction technology was analyzed based on the strapdown semi-laser quadrant photodetector and the pulse direct force control model. The hit accuracy effect was studied by the ballistic obliquity, the error of the distance between the force and the centre of gravity, the error of the motor work times and total impulse based on the external ballistic model and numerical value simulation. Through the conclusion of simulation, the most important disturbance factor was worked out that may provide some reference for theory studying and engineering practice in the future.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第15期4176-4178,共3页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 脉冲发动机 四象限控制器 激光半主动捷联制导 命中精度 impulse motor quadrant photodetector laser semi-active strapdown guidance hit accuracy
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