
我国违法药品广告的情况分析 被引量:1

Analysis on the Current Situation of Illegal Drug Advertisements in China
摘要 药品违法广告直接影响药品的正确、合理使用,甚至危害公众的健康和患者的生命安全。药监部门立足于保证药品安全有效的职能,积极采取了各种措施来参与药品违法广告的治理,取得了一定的成效,但药品违法广告并未得到彻底治理。对我国目前药品违法广告的情况予以简要分析,以便出台更加有效的治理措施。 Illegal drug advertisements have a direct impact on the correct and reasonable usage of drug. They are even detrimental to health of general public and safety of patients' lives. Based on the special function of safeguarding the safety and effectiveness of drug, SFDA has actively taken various measures to participate in supervision of illegal drug advertisements in order to bring them under control. As a result, a certain progress has been made. But such illegal drug advertisements still haven' t been thoroughly controlled. This paper plans to make a brief analysis of Chinese current situations concerning illegal drug advertisements for the purpose of proposing more effective control measures.
作者 郭志鑫
出处 《中国药事》 CAS 2008年第8期634-636,共3页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs
关键词 药品违法广告 分析 措施 illegal drug advertisements situations measures
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