
尾矿坝边坡稳定性仿真建模与安全分析 被引量:20

Slope stability simulation modeling and safety analysis of tailings dam
摘要 总结与比较边坡稳定性各种主要计算方法的优缺点,系统研究与分析极限平衡分析方法所涵盖的几种常用方法,引进SLIDE软件,结合某尾矿坝工程实际,进行应用思路与计算结果分析。运用SLIDE软件直观、准确地建立尾矿坝的仿真模型的特点,反映坝体各部分材料的真实情况及浸润线曲线状况,为坝体稳定性安全系数的准确计算提供必要条件;利用SLIDE软件准确计算坝体在正常运行、洪水运行和地震运行这3种不同时期的安全系数,通过Fellenius法的计算和Bishop法的再次校核,结合坝体安全系数的概率分析使计算分析过程完整、结果准确。应用结果表明:采用SLIDE软件能高效、准确、直观地反映尾矿坝边坡稳定性情况。 Advantages and disadvantages were summarized by comparing several main calculation methods of slope stability, and then limit equilibrium analysis methods covered by some common methods were systemically studied and analyzed. Meanwhile, SLIDE software was introduced into slope stability analysis in some actual project in order to analyze the applied strategy and calculating results. The results show that since slope visual simulation model which is established accurately and directly reflects really circs and soakage cure status, it is necessary for accurately calculating safety factor of dam stability. Safety factor values of slope in different periods about the natural water level, floodwater level and encountering earthquake are accurately calculated. Meanwhile, the overall process and good results are gained though calculating by Fellenius method and checking again by Bishop method, combined with probability distribution of dam safety factors. The slope stability calculation and safety analysis of tailings dam based on SLIDE software reflect the actual circs efficiently, accurately and directly.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期635-640,共6页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50774092) 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金资助项目(200449)
关键词 尾矿坝 边坡 SLIDE软件 稳定性 安全分析 tailings dam slope SLIDE software stability safety analysis
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