
关于大型燃气—蒸汽联合循环发电机组继电保护系统设计的若干问题 被引量:5

Some Problems about Relay Protection System Design for Large Gas-Steam Combined Cycle Generator Units
摘要 大型燃气—蒸汽联合循环发电机组继电保护配置与汽轮发电机组基本一致;但在继电保护系统设计时应考虑燃气轮机组的特性、联合循环机组轴系配置方式以及燃气轮发电机组起动过程中作为降压/低频同步电动机运行的特点和静态变频起动装置电力电子线路的影响,并应考虑保护装置低频特性和软件算法的适应性,采取相应的措施。 The relay protection configuration for larger gas-steam combined cycle generator units is in keeping with the steam turbine-generator units on the whole, but the relay protection system design should consider the characteristic and shaft configuration of combined cycle generator units, generator operation characteristic when doing duty for low-voltage and low-frequency synchronous motor during start-u Pstage , the effect of the SFC electric power-electronic circuits, the suitability for low-frequency and of the algorithm of protection devices. So, the suitable measures should be adopted.
作者 吴聚业
出处 《电力勘测设计》 2008年第4期33-41,共9页 Electric Power Survey & Design
关键词 燃气轮发电机 继电保护 逆功率保护 gas turbine-generator relay protection, reverse power protection.
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