Corn plant contains crude protein、 crude fat、 minerals、 carotene and chlorophyll.The study deiermine thenutrient conients of the different parts of ihe spring corn in variousgrowth and maturity pericds. The results show that the crude protein contents are 12. 53%,ll. 03% , 10. 45% and 8. 95% in the periods of flower bud, primary flower, flower flourishingand flower declining respectively. The crude protein content of the mature seed is 4. 24%. To theleaf blade, ihe crude proiein contents are 10. 96% , 5. 7% , 3. 42% and 2. 55% in the whole greenleaf. 1/3 yellow leaf , 2/3 yellow leaf and the whole yellow leafrespectively. The variation laws ofcontents of crude fat and N-free extract is all decrease with the maturity of plants , but the crudefibre and crude ash is increase progressively. The nutrient contents of corn plant decrease progres-sively from ihe growth period to the maturity period ,which basic order is niale tassel , leaf blade ,straw and bud leaf. The straw has the highest output ,followed by leaf blade. The male tassel haslowest output. Thus ,under the prerequisite of no affecting output of corn seeds , the male tassel,leaf blade and straw should be harvested and used as early as possible, which has an importantsignificance for raising the biological values and economic benefit.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica