
论文化对国际制度创新的影响 被引量:4

The Impact of Culture on International Institutional Innovation
摘要 在国际关系领域,国际制度创新的基本目标是使制度更加体现国际社会的基本政治认同与价值观念,更加促进地区稳定与世界和平。文化作为一种共有观念,对于国际制度创新具有更加明显的促进作用,这一作用通过在非传统安全领域形成全球集体认同,或在地区层面建构制度创新的共识等方式表现出来。通过文化与权力的结合、文化与利益的结合,并通过国际社会的长期实践,在一定的危机或者偶然因素的促动下,文化就有可能实现制度化,推动国际和地区的合作进程。 In the field of international relations, the basic objective of international institutional innovation is to make institution mani- fest basic political identity and values of international society. As shared ideas, culture has an obvious role in promoting international institutional innovation, which demonstrates through the global collective identity in the field of nontraditional security, or through the consensus of constructing institutional innovation at the regional level. Through a combination of culture and power, and also a combination of culture and interest, culture will be institutionalized in some specific circumstances and promote international and regional cooperation process.
作者 肖晞 于素秋
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 2008年第5期41-45,共5页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"东北亚安全合作:权力 利益与知识的互动作用研究"(05CZZ010)
关键词 文化 制度创新 国际关系 文化制度化 观念 权力 利益 culture international institutional innovation international relations institutionalized cultural ideas power interest
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