
阈值对游程编码压缩率影响分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the Threshold Impact on Run-length Coding Compression Ratio
摘要 游程编码是一种无损压缩算法,其简单、易于实现的特性也使它得到了广泛的应用。传统的游程编码选取固定的阈值,这在特定数据类型下限制了压缩率的提高。通过严谨的数学分析推导出了在全数值范围内不同阈值对游程编码压缩率的影响,并进行了程序验证,得出结论,为不同类型的数据对游程编码进行改进给出了通用解决方案。 Run-length coding is a lossless compression algorithm and has been widely applied because it is simple and easy to realize. Traditional run-length coding select fixed threshold, limit the compression ratio in specific type of data. Through rigorous mathematical analysis, the paper derives the different threshoqd in the whole range of value impacting on run-length coding compression ratio, along with validation procedures, draws some conclusions, provides a generic improvement solution for different types data encoding with run-length.
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2008年第9期31-33,49,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 游程编码 阈值 压缩率 改进 run-length coding, threshold, compression ratio, improvement
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