

Optimization of Low-temp Ball Pearlite Annealing Process for Card Wires with Fractional Dimensional Analysis
摘要 球状珠光体反映在金相上,是一种不规则图象的变化,并且具有分形的特征,可望用分形几何的办法来进行分析。在介绍分形维数测量原理的基础上,以针布用低合金高碳钢低温球化退火正交试验为例,用小岛法对针布钢丝的球状珠光体图谱进行了测量。通过正交数据进行分析,指出最大影响分形维数的因素即为影响工艺的主要因素,产生最小分形维数的试验方案所对应的为最佳工艺方案。 Metallurgically speaking, ball pearlite is a group of irregular images with fractional features, which can be analyzed with fractional analysis. Sampling the orthogonal test of the high carbon steel with fractional alloy for card clothing,measurement is done to the ball peralite of the wire regarding the phase image after the introduction of the theory of the fractional dimensional analysis. Conclusion comes after the orthogonal test analysis that the biggest factor impacting the fractional dimension is the main factor impacting the process. The plan with the smallest fractional dimension is the optimizaed plan.
作者 江康 顾鹏
出处 《纺织器材》 2008年第5期14-16,共3页 Textile Accessories
关键词 针布钢丝 珠光体球化退火 分形维数 测量原理 正交数据分析 wire ball peralite annealing frational dimension test theory orthogonal test analysis
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