美国著名心理学家阿尔伯特·班杜拉(Albert Bandura)的观察学习理论使我们认识到:榜样对儿童的行为有重要影响。当榜样的暴力行为受到奖励时,儿童会更多地模仿暴力行为;当榜样的暴力行为受到惩罚时,他们明显减少对攻击行为的模仿。因此,教育者要尽量为学生提供正面、积极的榜样,同时也要正视负面、消极的榜样,引导学生塑造良好的行为。
The observational learning theory, originated by the American famous psychologist Al-bert Bandura, makes us to realize that the model has the important effect to children' s behavior. The children will more imitate the violent behaviors when the violence of the model is rewarded ; and the children will obviously less imitate the violent behaviors when the violence of the model is punished. Therefore, the educators should provide the positive models as far as possible for the students, as well should face up to the negative models, to guide the students to mold the good behaviors.
Journal of Schooling Studies