This article concerded with a semiparametric generalized partial linear model (GPLM) with the type Ⅱ censored data. A sieve maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is proposed to estimate the parameter component, allowing exploration of the nonlinear relationship between a certain covariate and the response function. Asymptotic properties of the proposed sieve MLEs are discussed. Under some mild conditions, the estimators are shown to be strongly consistent. Moreover, the estimators of the unknown parameters are asymptotically normal and efficient, and the estimator of the nonparametric function has an optimal convergence rate.
This article concerded with a semiparametric generalized partial linear model (GPLM) with the type Ⅱ censored data. A sieve maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is proposed to estimate the parameter component, allowing exploration of the nonlinear relationship between a certain covariate and the response function. Asymptotic properties of the proposed sieve MLEs are discussed. Under some mild conditions, the estimators are shown to be strongly consistent. Moreover, the estimators of the unknown parameters are asymptotically normal and efficient, and the estimator of the nonparametric function has an optimal convergence rate.
The talent research fund launched (3004-893325) of Dalian University of Technology
the NNSF (10271049) of China.