
朝核六方会谈:从应对危机到东北亚安全机制 被引量:6

Six-Party Talks on North Korean Nuclear Issue:from Crises Response to the Security Mechanism in Northeast Asia
摘要 朝核问题六方会谈自2003年8月启动以来,共召开了六次会议,终于使朝核危机的解决获得重大进展,也使六方会谈各国在围绕朝核问题展开对话的进程中加深相互了解、增进信任。然而,朝鲜半岛安全政治局面的最终形成还要靠整个东北亚安全机制的建立,六方会谈可能成为这种安全机制的基本框架。 Initiated from August 2003,Six-Party Talks on North Korean nuclear issue have gone through six rounds,having brought about significant improvements in resolving the North Korean nuclear crisis and helped countries involved in the Six-Party Talks deepen mutual understanding as well as build up mutual trust.However,the ultimate emergence of a stable and secure political posture on the Korean Peninsula will depend on the establishment of security mechanism in Northeast Asia.The Six-Party Talks will probably serve as the basic framework of such security mechanism.
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期38-43,共6页 Peace and Development
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