用Vario EL元素分析仪对数类油品的氧含量进行了分析。基于大量实验,初步探讨了氧含量测定影响因素如反应温度、载气组成及流量、进样量和检测器等对测定结果的影响。据分析结果提出如下建议:控制反应温度为1100℃;使用He气作载气,流量为60~65mL/min;优先选用NDIR检测器;样品充分裂解时,在检测器工作线性范围内,改变进样量对测定结果无明显影响。该研究对油品氧含量的分析工作具有指导意义。
With Vario EL Ⅲ Elemental Analyzer, we had studied the influences on the determination of oxygen in petroleum products by experiments, such as reacting temperature, kind and flow of carrier gas, change of samples weight and variety of detector. The advised analysis conditions are as follows : 1100℃ as reacting temperature; He as carrier gas, which flow is 60- 65mL/min; NDIR -photometer (non dispersive infrared photometer) as preferential detector. And the change in samples weight is not obvious influence on the result under the working linearity of the detector, if the samples can be pyroliyzed completely. This study will be an inductor of total oxygen determination in petroleum products.
Modern Scientific Instruments