
软件质量方案模糊决策模型的研究 被引量:3

Fuzzy decision-making model of software quality scheme
摘要 为了解决由于软件质量概念的模糊性而导致的软件质量方案决策困难的难题,从3个方面对软件质量方案模糊决策模型进行了研究。首先,采用L-R模糊数建立模糊权集,解决了经典决策方法存在的精确权集缺陷和模糊综合评价方法存在的伪模糊权集缺陷。其次,采用Bonissone方法简化了模糊运算。再者,采用模糊排序方法进行方案选择。从而全面提高了软件质量方案决策的准确性。最后,以一实例进行了验证。 In order to solve the difficult problem in the decision-making of software quality scheme due to fuzzy characters of software quality, how to improve the credibility of software quality scheme's decision-making in three aspects is studied. Firstly, the limitations of precise weight in classical decision-making and dummy weight in fuzzy synthetic evaluation are solved by using L-R fuzzy figure to set up a fuzzy weight. Secondly, fuzzy algorithm is simplified by using Bonissone method. Thirdly, the optimal scheme is selected by using fuzzy taxis. Finally, a case is illustrated for verification.
作者 苑畅 胡克谨
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第18期4753-4754,4758,共3页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 软件质量 模糊数学 软件质量方案 模糊综合评价 模糊决策 software quality fuzzy mathematics software quality scheme fuzzy synthetic evaluation fuzzy decision-making
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