4Department for Education and Skills .Higher Education Funding-International Comparations. http ://www. dfes.gov.uk/hegateway/uploads/HEfunding_ international comparison, pdf.
5Admission to Higher Educaton Review. Consultation on Key Issues Relation to Fair Admissions to Higher Education. DfES.September 2003,page 42.
7HC Deb.8 December 2003, col 298W.
8Moving towards a Single Combined Grant for Higher Education, http://www.dfes.gov.uk/hegateway/uploads/combined% 20grant% 20paper% 20_final% 202pm% 2019% 20Jan_4.pdf.
9National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education US (1998).Straight Talk about College Costs and Prices. The Oryx Press.16,10,23,19.
10National Center for Education Statistics Study of College Costs and Prices,1988-1989 to 1997-1998 (Volume 1).Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Reports (December 2001 ).134.