
组织内非正式隐性知识转移机理研究 被引量:29

Study on the mechanism of informal tacit knowledge transferring among organizations
摘要 非正式隐性知识转移(ITKT)是组织内隐性知识转移的主要方式,直接关系到组织核心竞争能力和技术创新能力的形成和发展。本文依据知识特性和转移具体方式两个维度,将知识转移划分为正式显性知识转移、非正式显性知识转移、正式隐性知识转移和非正式隐性知识转移4种类型,比较了它们的特征。分别从个体间、个体与团队间、个体与组织间、团队间、团队与组织间5个视角,分真隐性知识和伪隐性知识两种情况,考察了组织内非正式隐性知识转移的过程机理,建立了过程模型,提出了组织内非正式隐性知识转移的实现条件。 The Informal Tacit Knowledge Transferring(ITKT) is the main way of organizational tacit knowledge transferring, and is significance for the development of organizational core competitive competence and technological innovation competence. The knowledge transferring is divided into four types based on the characters of knowledge and its concrete transferring way, namely, formal explicit knowledge transferring, informal explicit knowledge transferring, formal tacit knowledge transferring, and informal tacit knowledge transferring; and their characters are compared. Then, the process mechanism of the informal tacit knowledge transferring among organizations is researcned from views of inter - individuals, between individual and group, between individual and organization, inter- groups, and between group and organization; based on that, tacit knowledge can be divided into true tacit knowledge and false tacit knowledge. In the end, the process model is set up, and the realization conditions are put forward.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期70-77,共8页 Science Research Management
基金 国家软科学计划资助项目(2006GXS2D084) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(70601012) 中国博士后科学基金项目(20070410286)
关键词 非正式隐性知识转移 非正式知识转移 隐性知识转移 知识转移模型 ITKT informal knowledge transferring tacit knowledge transferring model of knowledge transferring
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